Knowing that you need to obtain commercial financing for your heavy truck can be overwhelming. There are numerous choices and decisions to be made. Naturally, you will want to have the best deal. You want to get the most financing you can without taking a lot of your hard earned money out of your pocket. Call TruckLenders USA to get commercial financing for your commercial heavy truck. TruckLenders USA specializes in financing Class 7 and Class 8 vehicles.
For example’s sake, let’s say that you want to obtain another tow truck for your towing company. One of the first things that you should consider is a lender that has plenty of experience in tow truck financing. TruckLenders USA finances multiple tow trucks monthly. Once you have decided to use TruckLenders USA for your heavy truck financing, the rest is easy. Simply call 877-233-1475 to speak with a representative, or visit our website at and fill out an application directly from the site. Our application only program is vastly advantageous for heavy trucks up to $75,000. In most cases, a credit approval can be obtained within 24 hours. After this, you will work closely with your TruckLenders USA representative throughout the remaining process. Documents will be sent to you, which you will sign and have notarized. You will need to obtain insurance for the equipment that you are purchasing. Don’t worry! Your TruckLenders USA representative will be able to answer any questions that you have and help you along every step of the way. Once all of the necessary documentation has been received and processed by our corporate office, the funding phase begins. You will receive a call from one our funding specialists. This is a verbal authorization call. When you give the “OK,” funds will be sent to your seller and that new piece of equipment (in this example, a tow truck) that you need will finally be yours!
TruckLenders USA will take you step by step through the process of obtaining commercial heavy truck financing for your business. Whether you need financing for a tow truck, dump truck or reefer trailer, TruckLenders USA takes all of the guessing out of the process and makes it easy for you to get what your business needs. If you are currently in need of commercial financing, be sure to do your due diligence. Do your research; reach out to several commercial finance companies before selecting your final choice. We are confident that after doing your research, you will ultimately choose to work with TruckLenders USA, America’s #1 source for commercial truck and commercial trailer financing.
* On approved credit